Chicago's Cleaner Commercial Cleaning Service

Top Office Cleaning Service in Chicago

Commercial Carpet Cleaning

From day one CLS implements an ongoing maintenance program. When we are involved from the first day the carpet (or also tile & grout) is installed, we make sure proper maintenance is done. We follow all manufacturer recommendations so warranties are not compromised.

CLS uses the most current environmentally preferred vacuuming and carpet cleaning products and techniques to eliminate any allergy triggers and preserve the carpet's fibers. 

The carpets pictured are over 20 years old … that is 20 years of wear and tear, of salt and stain removal. 

With the CLS carpet maintenance program implemented since day one, the carpet has maintained its like-new appearance.

Check out our carpet cleaning video about how proper carpet maintenance can lead to carpet lasting over 20 years!

The economic benefits of using CLS to regularly maintain and clean your carpet:

  • Routine carpet cleaning has been proven to prevent premature carpet replacement and
  • Clean carpets create cleaner working environments which increases productivity & reduces absenteeism.


Do you have unsightly dark soil lines along your baseboards and door thresholds? This condition is called "filtration soiling"and is primarily found in colder climates.

Carpet filtration soiling is not a carpet defect or necessarily the result of poor cleaning, but is rather a by-product of a facility’s construction.   

Once you have filtration soiling, rely on professionals for removal.  Many filtration soil molecules are oily with an electrical charge that bonds them to the carpet fibers, making them difficult to remove.


Many facility managers stress about spilled coffee stains, but according to a recent study by U.S. Products, they should be more concerned with tracked-in sand, clay, and other gritty materials.

The most effective offense to extending the life of your carpet investment is to maintain it in the proper way, and stop contaminants from getting "tracked in."  That means having proper matting placed at the entrances and following a consistent maintenance program.

The U.S. Products study found out of the top ten types of contaminants found in carpet, 80% are attributed to debris deposited from the soles of those visiting or occupying the building.

According to the study, the top five contaminants are:

  • Sand, clay, and other "gritty” materials
  • Natural fibers such as lint from clothing
  • Gum
  • Petroleum, oil, and grease
  • Human hair and skin